Monday, November 30, 2009

munajat cinta

30 Nov 09, monday,

okay.untuk cuti skolah nih aku ingat nk habiskan 7 buah novel dalam mase sebulan.
2 minggu utuk studyy (huh addmath tak boleh lagi teruk lah! :( )

finally, i successed finishing those books started 2 weeks ago.

this is munajat cinta by tafiqurrahman al azizy.
ya Allah i love this book so much.
islamic novel.
for me this book should be read by the muslimin and muslimat.

it's about a girl leaving her family to find herself (jati dirinya).
once again, my friends you should read.
and maybe it based on induvidual jgk.
maybe certain x suke sbb boring asyik citer berceramah je kan,
novel nih berdakwah dlm cerita.
tapi, novel nih aku bace xde rse boring langsung.
rse cam nk taw what happen next.
the most important thing, it can give you something
that you need to change in yourself.

buku ni pon aku beli utuk pn norsham tp dah tukar
tp aku fikir kalau aku terbagi pon, aku tak salah pilih buku.

second book :

best best.
hahaha.aku baru habis bce buku nih :)
org lain siap ulang ulang dah.
thanx hanis :)


little secret 2 :)

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